Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Approaches to Global Politics M11M10 Module
Approaches to Global Politics PHIR1010 Module
Approaches to Global Politics M11M09 Module
Approaches to Global Politics (15 cr) PHIR1009 Module
Asia in Transregional Perspective PHIR4025 Module
China Foreign Policy PHIR3033 Module
Civil Society and Global Development PHIR4015 Module
Civil Society and Global Development M14M08 Module
Comparative Political Economy in East Asia PHIR3030 Module
Comparative Politics PHIR2020 Module
Comparative Politics PHIR2021 Module
Comparative Public Policy M14M22 Module
Comparative Public Policy PHIR4021 Module
Contemporary Security Challenges PHIR4023 Module
Designing International Relations Research PHIR2006 Module
Development and Governance: Building Democracy in the Developing World PHIR4020 Module
Development and Governance: Building Democracy in the Developing World M14M21 Module
Dissertation: International Development M14M20 Module
Dissertation: International Development PHIR4019 Module
Dissertation: International Relations PHIR4016 Module
Dissertation: International Relations M14M19 Module
Dissertation: Politics, History & International Relations M13M05 Module
Dissertation: Politics, History & International Relations PHIR3006 Module
Environmental Politics PHIR3034 Module
Field Technologies PHIR4010 Module
Field Technologies M14M11 Module
Food, Hunger and Development PHIR3025 Module
Food, Hunger and Development PHIR3004 Module
Food, Hunger and Development M13M02 Module
Global Perspectives on International Relations M14M14 Module
Global Perspectives on International Relations M14M13 Module
Global Perspectives on International Relations PHIR4013 Module
Global Political Economy M14M04 Module
Global Political Economy PHIR4003 Module
Global Political Economy PHIR4004 Module
Global Political Economy M14M03 Module
Global Political Economy and International Development M12M06 Module
Global Political Economy and International Development M12M07 Module
Global Political Economy and International Development PHIR2012 Module
Global Political Economy and International Development PHIR2011 Module
Governing the World: Introduction to the International System M11M26 Module
Governing the World: Introduction to the International System PHIR1026 Module
Governing the World: Introduction to the International System (15 cr) PHIR1023 Module
Human Security M14M23 Module
Human Security PHIR4022 Module
Intelligence and International Relations M12M03 Module
Intelligence and International Relations PHIR2008 Module
International Law and Organization M11M23 Module
International Law and Organization PHIR1021 Module
International Organisations M13M01 Module
International Organisations PHIR3002 Module
International Relations of the Asia Pacific PHIR2013 Module
International Relations of the Asia Pacific M12M10 Module
International Relations of the Asia Pacific M12M08 Module
International Relations of the Asia Pacific (10 cr) PHIR2014 Module
International Relations/International Studies: Dissertation M14020 Module
International Relations/International Studies: Dissertation PHIR4001 Module
International Security M12M04 Module
International Security M12M05 Module
International Security PHIR2010 Module
International Security (10 cr) PHIR2009 Module
Internationalising Career Opportunities in International Relations and International Development PHIR4026 Module
Introduction to Citizenship M12105 Module
Introduction to Citizenship PHIR2001 Module
Introduction to European Union Economics and Security M11M06 Module
Introduction to European Union Economics and Security PHIR1004 Module
Introduction to European Union Politics M11M05 Module
Introduction to European Union Politics PHIR1002 Module
Introduction to European Union Politics M11M04 Module
Introduction to Global Development PHIR4009 Module
Introduction to International Development M14M10 Module
Nationalism and the State: Themes and Perspectives from Contemporary South and Southeast Asia M13M03 Module
Nationalism and the State: Themes and Perspectives from Contemporary South and Southeast Asia PHIR3005 Module
Paths to Modernity (Part I). European History, 1789-1945 PHIR1007 Module
Paths to Modernity (Part I). European History, 1789-1945 M11M11 Module
Paths to Modernity (Part II). European History 1789-1945 PHIR1008 Module
Paths to Modernity (Part II). European History, 1789-1945 M11M15 Module
Policy and Persuasion M13M16 Module
Policy and Persuasion PHIR3017 Module
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East M13M15 Module
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East M13M14 Module
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East PHIR3016 Module
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East (10 cr) PHIR3015 Module
Politics by other means: Terrorism in Contemporary South and Southeast Asia M14M01 Module
Politics by other means: Terrorism in Contemporary South and Southeast Asia M14M02 Module
Politics, History and IR (SH-O) PHIR5001 Module
Power and Contest: Living in a Political World PHIR1019 Module
Power and Contest: Living in a Political World M11M22 Module
Power and Contest: Living in a Political World M11M20 Module
Regionalism in World Politics: The case of ASEAN M13M13 Module
Regionalism in World Politics: The case of ASEAN M13M23 Module
Research Methods and Design PHIR4008 Module
Research Methods and Design M14M12 Module
Sites of Asian Interaction PHIR3021 Module
Sites of Asian Interaction PHIR3020 Module
Southeast Asia: Region and Regionalism (10 cr) PHIR3026 Module
Southeast Asia: Region and Regionalism (20 cr) PHIR3014 Module
The Contemporary World since 1945 V1201A Module
The Contemporary World since 1945 PHIR2002 Module
The International Relations of South East Asia M14M09 Module
The International Relations of South East Asia PHIR4007 Module
The Making of Modern Asia M11M19 Module
The Making of Modern Asia M11M17 Module
The Making of Modern Asia PHIR1015 Module
The Making of Modern Asia (20 cr) PHIR1017 Module
The Making of Modern Asia (online version) PHIR1014 Module
The Politics and Economics of European Monetary Integration M13M07 Module
The Politics and Economics of European Monetary Integration M13M06 Module
The Politics of China PHIR2022 Module
The Politics of International Law PHIR4024 Module
The Politics of International Law M14M25 Module
The Politics of Life M13M04 Module
The Politics of Life PHIR3003 Module
The Silk Road: Cultural Interactions and Perceptions PHIR3035 Module
Understanding the Malay World PHIR2017 Module
Understanding the Malay World PHIR2018 Module

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