Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Approaches to Theory MLAC4088 Module
Approaches to Theory: Directed Study MLAC4011 Module
Business Chinese MLAC3194 Module
Communication and Culture MLAC1032 Module
Communication Technologies V92M01 Module
Communication Technologies MLAC1027 Module
Communication Technologies V91M03 Module
Community Interpreting MLAC2186 Module
Creative Project MLAC3179 Module
Creative Writing : Place, Travel, Movement MLAC2033 Module
Cultural Film and Media Dissertation MLAC3017 Module
Cultural Policy MLAC4006 Module
Cultural Policy V94025 Module
Cultural Politics MLAC2019 Module
Cultural Politics V92M02 Module
Cultural Studies and Entrepreneurship Research Project V94CSP Module
Cultural Studies and Entrepreneurship Research Project MLAC4007 Module
Cultural, Film and Media Dissertation MLAC3178 Module
Cultural, Film and Media Dissertation AA3M01 Module
Culture and Society MLAC1154 Module
Cultures of Everyday Life AA1M02 Module
Cultures of Everyday Life MLAC1019 Module
Digital Communication & Media MLAC3177 Module
Digital Storytelling and Production MLAC4099 Module
Dissertation in Cultural Studies V94CUL Module
Dissertation in Media, Communications and Culture MLAC4008 Module
Dissertation in Media, Communications and Culture MLAC4097 Module
Dissertation: Critical Theory MLAC4001 Module
Dissertation: Critical Theory V94CTD Module
Documentary Film and Documentary Practice W53M02 Module
Documentary Film and Documentary Practice MLAC3021 Module
Drama, Theatre, and Performance MLAC1170 Module
Film and Television in Social and Cultural Context MLAC2013 Module
Film and Television in Social and Cultural Context W52206 Module
French 1A MLAC1007 Module
French 1A CS1M03 Module
French 1A CS1111 Module
French 1A - Evening class MLAC1023 Module
French 1B CS1112 Module
French 1B MLAC1010 Module
French 1B CS1M05 Module
French 1B - Evening class MLAC1028 Module
French 2A MLAC2008 Module
French 2A CS2111 Module
French 2B CS2112 Module
French 2B MLAC2010 Module
French 3A MLAC3007 Module
French 3A CS3111 Module
French 3B CS3112 Module
French 3B MLAC3011 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Media MLAC3176 Module
German 1A CS1311 Module
German 1A MLAC1015 Module
German 1A CS1M07 Module
German 1A - Evening class MLAC1030 Module
German 1B CS1312 Module
German 1B MLAC1016 Module
German 1B CS1M08 Module
German 1B - Evening class MLAC1031 Module
German 2A CS2311 Module
German 2A MLAC2015 Module
German 2B CS2312 Module
German 2B MLAC2016 Module
German 3A MLAC3015 Module
German 3A MLAC3032 Module
German 3A CS3311 Module
German 3B MLAC3016 Module
German 3B MLAC3033 Module
German 3B CS3312 Module
German Stage 2A for UNNC/UNMC Exchange Students MLAC2028 Module
German Stage 2B for UNNC/UNMC Exchange Students MLAC2029 Module
Global Media and Communication MLAC2018 Module
Global Media and Communication AA2M03 Module
Global Music Studies MLAC1048 Module
Intensive Mandarin Chinese for Beginners MLAC2032 Module
Inter Faculty French 1a LK11FA Module
Inter Faculty French 1a MLACLK11FA Module
Inter Faculty French 4a MLACLK34FA Module
Inter Faculty French 4a LK34FA Module
Inter Faculty French 4b MLAC3022 Module
Inter Faculty French 4b LK34FB Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1a MLACLK11JA Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1a NONE1015 Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1a CS11JA Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1a LK11JA Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1b MLACLK11JB Module
Inter Faculty Japanese 1b LK11JB Module
Inter Faculty Mandarin 4b MLAC3003 Module
Inter-Faculty French 1A MLAC1033 Module
Inter-Faculty French 1B MLAC1036 Module
Inter-Faculty French 2A MLAC2037 Module
Inter-Faculty French 2B MLAC2039 Module
Inter-Faculty French 3A MLAC3026 Module
Inter-Faculty French 3B MLAC3030 Module
Inter-Faculty German 1A MLAC1041 Module
Inter-Faculty German 1B MLAC1042 Module
Inter-Faculty German 2A MLAC2042 Module
Inter-Faculty German 2B MLAC2043 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 1A MLAC1034 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 1B MLAC1037 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 2A MLAC2038 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 2B MLAC2040 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 3A MLAC3027 Module
Inter-Faculty Japanese 3B MLAC3031 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 1A MLAC1043 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 1B MLAC1044 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 2A MLAC2044 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 2B MLAC2045 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 3A MLAC3034 Module
Inter-Faculty Korean 3B MLAC3035 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 1A MLAC1035 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 1B MLAC1038 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 2A MLAC2034 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 2B MLAC2041 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 3A MLAC3024 Module
Inter-Faculty Mandarin 3B MLAC3028 Module
Inter-Faculty Spanish 2A MLAC2035 Module
Inter-Faculty Spanish 2B MLAC2036 Module
Inter-Faculty Spanish 3A MLAC3025 Module
Inter-Faculty Spanish 3B MLAC3029 Module
Introduction to Communications Theory MLAC1018 Module
Introduction to Communications Theory V91M01 Module
Introduction to Cultural Studies AA1M01 Module
Introduction to Cultural Studies MLAC1017 Module
Introduction to Translation MLAC2170 Module
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting R12M01 Module
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting (10 credits) MLAC2025 Module
Issues and Challenges in Contemporary Media MLAC4087 Module
Japanese 1A CS1811 Module
Japanese 1A MLAC1008 Module
Japanese 1B CS1812 Module
Japanese 1B MLAC1011 Module
Japanese 2A CS2811 Module
Japanese 2A MLAC2009 Module
Japanese 2B MLAC2011 Module
Japanese 2B CS2812 Module
Japanese 3A CS3811 Module
Japanese 3A MLAC3008 Module
Japanese 3B CS3812 Module
Japanese 3B MLAC3012 Module
Korean 1A CS1M01 Module
Korean 1A MLAC1020 Module
Korean 1B MLAC1021 Module
Korean 1B CS1M02 Module
Korean 2A MLAC2020 Module
Korean 2A CS2M01 Module
Korean 2B CS2M02 Module
Korean 2B MLAC2021 Module
Korean 3A MLAC3018 Module
Korean 3A CS3M01 Module
Korean 3B CS3M02 Module
Korean 3B MLAC3019 Module
Language for Beginners : Mandarin MLAC1001 Module
Language for Beginners : Mandarin LK11MA Module
Mandarin 1A CS1011 Module
Mandarin 1A MLAC1009 Module
Mandarin 1A CS1M04 Module
Mandarin 1A - Evening class MLAC1024 Module
Mandarin 1B CS1012 Module
Mandarin 1B MLAC1012 Module
Mandarin 1B CS1M06 Module
Mandarin 1B - Evening class MLAC1029 Module
Mandarin 2A MLAC2005 Module
Mandarin 2A CS2011 Module
Mandarin 2B CS2012 Module
Mandarin 2B MLAC2014 Module
Mandarin 3A CS3011 Module
Mandarin 3A MLAC3005 Module
Mandarin 3B MLAC3009 Module
Mandarin 3B CS3012 Module
Mandarin Chinese for the Advanced Level MLAC3001 Module
Mass Media V91M02 Module
Mass Media MLAC4089 Module
Mass Media L64004 Module
Media and Communications Theory MLAC1153 Module
Media and Conflict MLAC3014 Module
Media and Conflict AA3400 Module
Media, Climate Change, and the Asia Pacific Summer School MLAC2182 Module
Modern Languages and Cultures (AM-M) MODL5001 Module
Music in Film MLAC2174 Module
Patterns Functions and the Description of English MLAC2022 Module
Patterns, Functions and the Description of English Q32M01 Module
Political Communication, Public Relations and Propaganda MLAC2017 Module
Political Communication, Public Relations and Propaganda AA2M02 Module
Politics, Culture and the Media in South East Asia M12PCM Module
Politics, Culture and the Media in South East Asia MLAC2023 Module
Postcolonial Theory MLAC4090 Module
Postcolonialisms V94022 Module
Postcolonialisms MLAC4010 Module
Producing Film and Television MLAC1026 Module
Producing Film and Television W51M02 Module
Producing Film and TV M51M02 Module
Public Cultures: Protest Participation & Power MLAC3023 Module
Public Cultures: Protest, Participation & Power V93M01 Module
Reading Film and Television MLAC1025 Module
Reading Film and Television W51M01 Module
Reading Japanese Literature I MLAC2185 Module
Research Methodology in Media, Communications and Culture MLAC4002 Module
Research Methods in Cultural Studies V94024 Module
Researching Culture, Film and Media V92REC Module
Researching Culture, Film and Media MLAC2027 Module
Researching Culture, Film and Media MLAC2181 Module
Researching Culture, Film and Media MLAC2004 Module
South East Asian Film MLAC3020 Module
Spanish 1A CS1211 Module
Spanish 1A MLAC1039 Module
Spanish 1A MLAC1013 Module
Spanish 1B MLAC1014 Module
Spanish 1B CS1212 Module
Spanish 1B MLAC1040 Module
Spanish 2A MLAC2006 Module
Spanish 2A CS2211 Module
Spanish 2B MLAC2007 Module
Spanish 2B CS2212 Module
Spanish 3A CS3211 Module
Spanish 3A MLAC3006 Module
Spanish 3B CS3212 Module
Spanish 3B MLAC3010 Module
Translating Cultures NONE2008 Module
Translating Cultures V92CCC Module
Translation Between Chinese and English (Part 1) MLAC4012 Module
Transnational Media W52205 Module
Transnational Media MLAC2012 Module
Working in the Culture Industry: Case Study Workshops V94023 Module
Working in the Culture Industry: Case Study Workshops MLAC4092 Module
Working in the Culture Industry: Case Study Workshops MLAC4005 Module
Writing for the Media AA3300 Module
Writing for the Media MLAC3013 Module

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