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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Applied Linguistics for TESOL EDUC4160 Module
Assessment & Evaluation in TESOL/SEN EDUC3046 Module
Assessment and Evaluation in TESOL/Special Educational Needs EDUC3027 Module
Assessment in Language Education EDUC4251 Module
Behaviour & Classroom Management EDUC1032 Module
Behaviour/Relationships Management EDUC4155 Module
Changing Classrooms: Policy, Research and Practice EDUC4275 Module
Communication and Literacy EDUC4172 Module
Creative Curriculum EDUC2027 Module
Critical Concepts with in Special Educational Needs EDUCXX3M10 Module
Critical Perspectives in Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC4278 Module
Current Issues in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) EDUC4162 Module
Curriculum Design and Assessment in Higher Education EDUC4263 Module
Curriculum Studies EDUC2043 Module
Debating Special & Inclusive Education (Sri Lanka) EDUC4274 Module
Debating Special and Inclusive Education EDUC4168 Module
Developments in Language Teaching Methodology EDUC4161 Module
Discourse Analysis and Language Teaching EDUC4147 Module
Education (AE-M) EDUC5001 Module
Education and Society EDUC1030 Module
Education for Students on the Autism Spectrum EDUC4271 Module
Educational Inquiry (Extended Project) EDUC3028 Module
Educational Research Methods EDUC3026 Module
Effective Leadership and Change in Education EDUC4152 Module
Effective Leadership and Change in Education EDUC4276 Module
Effective Leadership and Change in Education (B) EDUC4225 Module
Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education EDUC4245 Module
English for Specific Purposes EDUC4144 Module
Grammar and the Language Classroom EDUC4149 Module
Identifying and Understanding Special Educational Needs EDUC1033 Module
Introduction to Education Inquiry EDUC4246 Module
Introduction to Teaching English for Academic Purposes EDUC4167 Module
Introduction to the Leaning Sciences EDUC4305 Module
Introduction to the Leaning Sciences (Off shore) EDUC4307 Module
Issues in Educational Leadership EDUC4154 Module
Issues in Educational Leadership EDUC4273 Module
Issues in Educational Leadership (B) EDUC4226 Module
Language as a Learning Tool EDUC1015 Module
Language Learner and Language Learning EDUC4159 Module
Language Teaching: Methodology and Curriculum EDUC4252 Module
Leading Learning EDUC4153 Module
Leading Learning EDUC4277 Module
Leading Learning (B) EDUC4228 Module
Leading Learning (Offshore Sri Lanka) EDUC4272 Module
Learner Autonomy EDUC4143 Module
Learning Difficulties: Supporting children, young people and their families EDUC2025 Module
Learning Styles and Strategies EDUC2023 Module
Learning to Train EDUC4165 Module
Literacy in School and Society EDUC1031 Module
Literature in the Language Classroom EDUC3032 Module
Literature in the Language Classroom EDUC2042 Module
Managing Language Teaching and Developing Teachers EDUC4253 Module
Masters-level dissertation: Education EDUC4150 Module
Masters-level dissertation: Education (B) EDUC4260 Module
Materials and Technology in Language Education EDUC4254 Module
Materials Evaluation and Design EDUC4148 Module
Materials for Language Learning EDUC2044 Module
Materials for Language Teaching EDUC3031 Module
Personal Social and Emotional Development EDUC4156 Module
Phonetics and Phonology for Language Teaching EDUC3034 Module
Planning for Continuing Professional Development EDUC4169 Module
Portrait of a School EDUC1016 Module
Post School Transition for students with Special Education Needs EDUCXX3M11 Module
Practical Teaching in Special Education Needs EDUCXX4M04 Module
Practical Teaching in TESOL EDUC4171 Module
Practice- Based Inquiry (B) EDUC4227 Module
Practice-based Inquiry EDUC4164 Module
Practice-based Inquiry EDUC4270 Module
Principles and Practice of ELT EDUC3030 Module
Researching Dyslexia EDUC4157 Module
Researching Special and Inclusive Education EDUC4174 Module
Responding Mindfully to Challenging Behaviour EDUC4173 Module
Responding Mindfully to Challenging Behaviour EDUC4311 Module
School Experience EDUC4170 Module
School Experience EDUC4266 Module
School-Based CPD EDUC4269 Module
Social Contexts of Learning EDUC4304 Module
Social Contexts of Learning EDUC4306 Module
Socio-cultural attitudes to students with special needs EDUCXX3M12 Module
Supporting students with emotional and behavioural challenges EDUCXX3M14 Module
Supporting students with learning difficulties EDUCXX3M13 Module
Supporting students with sensory and physical disabilities EDUCXX3M15 Module
Teacher Development: From Theory to Practice EDUC4166 Module
Teaching & Learning Strategies EDUC2040 Module
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education EDUC4261 Module
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary EDUC4163 Module
Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Context, Language and Pedagogy EDUC4257 Module
Teaching Language across the Curriculum EDUC2028 Module
Teaching Languages to Younger Learners EDUC4255 Module
Teaching Listening & Speaking EDUC3045 Module
Teaching Portfolio EDUC4268 Module
Teaching Reading & Writing EDUC3047 Module
Teaching Styles and Strategies EDUC2026 Module
Teaching Training & Technology EDUC4259 Module
Teaching, Training & Technology EDUC4204 Module
Teaching, Training & Technology (B) EDUC4230 Module
Technology Enhanced Language Learning EDUC4146 Module
Technology-Enhanced Language Learning EDUC2052 Module
TESOL Methodology EDUC3029 Module
The Management of Language Teaching Organisations EDUC4145 Module
The School Curriculum EDUC1011 Module
The School Teacher EDUC1013 Module
The Teaching of Grammar EDUC3033 Module
Understanding Curriculum, Learning and Assessment EDUC4175 Module
Understanding Curriculum, Learning and Assessment (B) EDUC4229 Module
Understanding Individual and Organizational Development EDUC4151 Module
Understanding Language Learning and the Language Learner EDUC4256 Module
Understanding Learners and Learning EDUC1029 Module
Understanding Schools and Schooling EDUC1012 Module
Understanding Teaching and Learning in Higher Education EDUC4244 Module

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