Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Research Method PSGA2002 Module
Applied Research Methods PSGA1010 Module
Applied Research Methods 1: Quantitative Methods C81RQT Module
Applied Research Methods 1: Quantitative Methods PSGA1003 Module
Applied Research Methods II- Qualitative Methods PSGA1005 Module
Applied Research Methods II- Qualitative Methods C81RQL Module
Applied Research Methods III: Advanced Quantitative & Qualitative Methods C82RIO Module
Applied Research Project C84ARP Module
Applied Research Projects PSGA4009 Module
Applied Social and Cultural Psychology PSGA2007 Module
Coaching and Mentoring C84COA Module
Coaching and Mentoring PSGA4012 Module
Consultancy Skills PSGA4020 Module
Contemporary Issues in Applied Psychology PSGA2005 Module
Contemporary Issues in Applied Psychology C82CIP Module
Cross Cultural Psychology C82CCP Module
Cross Cultural Psychology PSGA2004 Module
Global Psychology and Communications PSGA1008 Module
Introduction in Research Methods PSGA4021 Module
Introduction to Applied Psychology PSGA1001 Module
Introduction to Applied Psychology C81IAP Module
Introduction to Counselling PSGA2006 Module
Introduction to Counselling C82COU Module
Introduction to Management Psychology and Quantitative Workplace Data PSGA4018 Module
Leadership Engagement and Motivation PSGA4019 Module
Learning Training and Development PSGA4016 Module
Major dissertation in occupational health and safety management PSGA4002 Module
Major dissertation in occupational health and safety management C84MAM Module
Minor dissertation in occupational health and safety management PSGA4003 Module
Minor dissertation in occupational health and safety management C84MIM Module
Occupational Hazards and Risk Management Strategies PSGA4004 Module
Occupational Hazards and Risk Management Strategies C84MOH Module
Occupational Health and Safety Law Policies and Compliance: International Perspectives PSGA4001 Module
Occupational Health and Safety Law, Policies and Compliance: International Perspectives C84LPC Module
Occupational Health Psychology C83OHP Module
Occupational Health Psychology PSGA3003 Module
Organisation Selection and Assessment PSGA4014 Module
Organisational Change and Development PSGA4023 Module
Organisational Development & Change C84ODC Module
Organisational Development & Change PSGA4010 Module
Organisational Selection and Assessment C84OSA Module
Organizations, Management & Leadership C84OMP Module
Organizations, Management & Leadership PSGA4006 Module
Overview of Contemporary Challenges to Safety and Health PSGA4005 Module
Overview of Contemporary Challenges to Safety and Health C84OCI Module
People Groups and Society PSGA2001 Module
People, Groups and Society C82PGS Module
People, Work and Organisations C81PWO Module
People, Work and Organisations PSGA1004 Module
Performance Management, Training and Learning C84PTL Module
Psychological Assessment C84PSA Module
Psychological Assessment at Work PSGA4015 Module
Psychology and Communications in the Global World C81GLO Module
Psychology of Entrepreneurship and Innovation PSGA2008 Module
Psychology of Individual Differences PSGA1009 Module
Psychology of Learning PSGA2003 Module
Psychology of Work, Management and Organizations PSGA4013 Module
Qualitative Research Methods PSGA4022 Module
Research in Applied Psychology PSGA3001 Module
Research in Applied Psychology C83RAP Module
Research Methods C84RMO Module
Research Methods and Evidence-based Problem Solving in Occupational Safety and Health (20 credits) PSGA4017 Module
Research Methods in Organisations PSGA4007 Module
Selection and Training in Organisations C83STO Module
Selection and Training in Organisations PSGA3002 Module
Specialist Issues in Contemporary Occupational Safety and Health C84SCI Module
Specialist Issues in Contemporary Occupational Safety and Health PSGA4008 Module
Strategic and Human Resource Management C84SHM Module
Strategic Human Resource Management and Managing Diversity PSGA4011 Module
The Individual I: Cognition Memory and Perception PSGA1002 Module
The Individual I: Cognition, Memory and Perception C81CMP Module
The Individual II: Individual Differences PSGA1006 Module
The Individual II: Individual Differences C81DAT Module
The Individual III: Learning C82LAM Module
The Psychology of Work, Management, and Organizations C84PWM Module

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